New ENVIS Centre

Twenty two ENVIS Centres have been functioning till now. One more has been added to this list. A new Centre on wildlife including protected area management, has been set up under the EVNIS scheme of the MOEF at Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun.


The Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP), a UNDP project that has already been implemented in 35 countries of the world so far, is now being implemented in our country by the ENVIS of MOEF. The 3 year long project involves grants to the tune of US $ 6, 16, 910 provided by the UNDP, IDRC Canada, and the SDNP - New York. SDNP - India, when implemented, is expected to have:

  1. a distributed clearing house of information on sustainable development
  2. an association of information user, carriers and providers within the government, academia, business and NGOs involved in issues of sustainable development
  3. A user network