


01. The Journal "Biogeochemistry has a number of key references of interest to our work. Some of them are :

Curtis,PJ; Adams,HE (1995): Dissolved organic matter quantify from freshwater and saltwater lakes in east-central alberta. 30(1): 59-76.

Elser,JJ; Foster,DK; Heckey,RE (1995): Effects of Zooplankton on sedimentation in pelagic ecosystems: Theory and test in two lakes of the Canadian shield. 30(3): 143-170.

Feigl,BJ; Steadler,PA; Cerri,CC (1995): Effects of pasture introduction on soil CO2 emmissions during the dry season in the state of Rondonia, Brazil. 31(1): 1-14.

Hamilton,SK; Sippel,SJ; Melack,JM (1995): Oxygen depletion and carbon dioxide and methane production in wastes of the pantanal wetland of Brazil. 30(2): 115-141.

Manderscheid,B; Matzner,E (1995): Spatial and temporal variation of soil solution chemistry and ion fluxes through the soil in a mature Norway spruce (picea abies(L.) Karst) stand. 30(2): 99-114.

Mayer,B; Feger,KH; Giesemann,A; J„ger,H-J (1995): Interpretation of sulfur cycling in two catchments in the black forest (Germany) using stable sulfur and oxygen isotope data. 30(1): 31-58.

McFarlane,DA; Keeler,RC; Mizutani,H (1995): Ammonia Volatilization in a Mexican bat cave ecosystem. 30(1): 1-8

Neill,C (1995): Seasonal flooding, nitrogen mineralization and nitrogen utilization in a prairie marsh. 30(3): 171-189.

Nixon,SW; Granger,SL; Novicki,BC (1995): An assessment of the annual mass balance of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Narragansett Bay. 31(1): 15-61.

Pinay,G; Ruffinoni,C; Fabre,A (1995): Nitrogen cycling in two riparian forest soils under different geomorphic conditions. 30(1): 9-29.

Pinol,J; Alcaniz,JM; Roda,F (1995): Carbon dioxide efflux and pCO2 in soils of three Quercus ilex montane forests. 30(3): 191-215.

Tranvik,LJ; Jorgensen,NOG (1995):Colloidal and dissolved organic matter in lake water: Carbohydrate and amino acid composition and ability to support bacterial growth. 30(2): 77-97.


O2. In addition, some other key papers in other Journals are:

a) Bigeochemistry:

Arocena;JM, Dudas,MJ; Poulson,L; Rutherford,PM (1995): Weathering of clay minerals induced by fluoride-containing solutions from phosphogypsum by-product. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 75: 219-226.

Babiarz,CL; Andren,AW (1995): Total concentration of mercury in Wisconsin (USA) Lakes and Rivers. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 83(1-2): 173-183.

Balls,PW; Macdonald,A; Pugh,K; Edwards,AC (1995): Long-Term Nutrient Enrichment of an Estuarine System: Ythan, Scotland (1958-1993). Environmental Pollution, 90(3): 311-321.

Becker,DS; Bigham,GN (1995): Distribution of Mercury in the Aquatic Food Web of Onondaga Lake, New York. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 563-571.

Berg,H; Kiibus,M; Asami,T (1995): Heavy metals in tropical Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 83(3-4): 237-252.

Chenhall,BE; Yassini,I; Depers,AM; Caitcheon,G; Jones,BG; Batly,GE; Ohmsen,GS (1995): Anthropogenic marker evidence for accelerated sedimentation in Lake Illwarra, New Wales, Australia. Environmental Geology, 26(2): 124-135.

Cleckner,LB; Esseks,ES; Meier,PG; Keeler,GJ (1995): Mercury concentrations in two Great Water . Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 581-584.

Drisedil,CT; Blette,V; Yan,C; Schofield,CL; Munson,R; Holsapple,J (2995): The role of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Chemistry and Bioavailability of Mercury in Remote Adirondack Lakes. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 499-508.

Dzhamalov,RG; Zlobina,VL (1995): Presipitation Pollution effect on ground water hydrochemical regime. Environmental Geology, 25(1): 65-68.

Henry,EA; Dodge-Murphy,LJ; Bighan,GN; Klein,SM (1995): Modelling the Transport an Fate of Mercury in an Urban Lake (Onondaga Lake, NY). Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 489-498.

Henry,EA; Dodge-Murphy,LJ; Bhigam,GN; Klein,SM; Gilmour,CC (1995): Total Mercury and Methyl mercury Mass Balance in an Alkaline Hypereutrophic Urban Lake (Onodaga Lake, NY). Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 509-518.

Jacobs,LA; Klein,SM; Henry,EA (1995): Mercury cycling in the water column of a seasonally Anoxic Urban Lake (Onondaga Lake, NY). Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 553-562.

kravitz,JH; Siegel,FR (1994): Chemical Element Distribution in the Surface Sediments of Kane Basin. Journal Coastal Research, 10(1): 101-112.

Leonard,D; Reash,R; Dorcella,D; Paralkar,A; Summers,K; Gherini,S (1995): Use of the Mercury Cycling Model (MCM) to predict the Fate of Mercury in the Greate Lakes. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 519-528.

Malini,S; Nagaiah,N; Paramesh,L; Venkataramaiah,P (1995): Study of the distribution of Trace elements in soils in and around Mysore City, Karnataka. Environmental Geology, 26(2): 107-110.

Meenssen,JCL (1996): Predicting multicompound adsorption and transport of fluoride at various pH on a goethite-silica sand system. Environmental Science and Technology, 30(2).

Meuleman,C; Leermakers,M; Baeyens,W (1995): Mercury speciation in Lake Baikal. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 539-551.

Morrison,KA; Therien,N (1995): Fluxes of mercury through biota in the LG-2 reservoir after flooding. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 573-576.

Padmalal,D; Seralathan,P (1995): Organic Carbon and Phosphorus loading in recently deposited reverine and estuarine sediments - A granulometric approach. Indian Journal of Earth Sciences, 22(1-2): 21-28.

Padmalal,D; Seralathan,P (1995): Geochemistry of Fe and Mn in surficial sediments of a tropical river and estuary, India - a granulometric approach. Environmental Geology, 25(4): 270-276.

Panda,D; Subramanian,V; Panigrahi,RC (1995): Geochemical fractionation of heavy metals in Chilka Lake (east of India) - a tropical coastal lagoon. Environmental Geology, 26: 199-210.

Rask,M; Verta,M (1995): Concentration and amounts of methyl mercury in water and fish in the limited and acid basins of a Small Lake. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 577-580.

Saether,OM; Reimann,C; Hilmo,BO; Taushani,E (1995): Chemical Composition of hard- and softrock groundwaters from Central Norway with special consideration of fluoride and Norwegion drinking water limits. Environmental Geology, 26(3): 147-156.

Sivakumar,K; Biksham,G (1995): Statistical Approach for the assess most of water pollution around Industrial areas: A case study from Patancheru, Medak District, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 36: 229-249.

Stauffer,RE (1995): Sulfer vs. Silica Retention in Oligotrophic Lake sediments: Test of a Simple Residence Time Model. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 81(3-4): 373-383.

Tao,S (1995): Spatial structures of copper, lead, and mercury contents in surface soil in the Shenzhen area. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 82: 583-591.

Vandal,GM; Fitzgerald,WF; Rolfhus,KR; Lamborg,CH (1995): Modelling the Elemental Mercury Cycle in Pallette Lake, Wisconsin, USA. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 529-538.

Verta,M; Matilainen,T (1995): Methyl mercury distribution and partitioning in stratified Finnish Forest Lakes. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 80: 585-588.

Williams,HFL (1995): Assessing the impact of weir construction on recent sedimentation using cesium-137. Environmental Geology, 26(3): 192-196.

Zhenbang,J; Zhijie,Z; Hui,Z (1995): Application of face-graph in heavy metal pollution assessment in river sediment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7.


b) Environmental Law:

Adede,AO (1992): International Environmental Law from Stockholm to Rio - An Overview of Past Lessons and Future Challenges. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(2): 88-105.

Cerny,RJ; Sheate,WR (1992): Strategic Environmental Assessment the EA Directive. Environmental Policy and Law, 21(3/4): 156-160.

de Mello,M (1995): The Law of Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Policy and Law, 25(1/2): 73-75.

Gehring,T (1991): International Environmental Regimes: dynamic Sectoral Legal Systems; In: Yearbook of International Environmental Law: vol. 2, (1990); London and Trotman.

Handler,T; Keltie A (1991): The New Environmental Protection Act. Environmental Policy and Law, 21(1): 26-28.

Helms,W (1993): Environmental Protection in the Metal Ore Mining Industry. Environmental Policy and Law, 23(5): 212-214.

Hey,E; Nollkaemper,A (1992): The Second International Water Tribunal. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(3): 82-87.

Krasnova,IO (1992): Reform of the Environmental Administrative System. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(3): 175-181.

Mayda,J (1993): Recent Developments in Environmental Law Making. Environmental Policy and Law, 23(5): 204-212.

McCaffery,SC (1991): Environmental related work of the International Law Commission as its 1990 Session. Environmental Policy and Law, 21(1): 6-8.

McKeague,P (1992): Water and the Environmental Development Issues for the 21st Century. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(1): 16-21.

McNeely,JA (1992): New Programme for Parts and Protected Areas. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(3): 138-143.

Mlimuka,AKLJ (1995): Marine Pollution and the Legal Regime governing the Protection and Preservation of Marine Environment. Environmental Policy and Law, 25(1/2): 52-72.

Mohnar,HR (1991): Environmental Policy and Legislation - Latest Developments. Environmental Policy and Law, 20(1): 28-34.

Moller,HS (1995): Conservation, Management & Restoration of Wetlands. Environmental Policy and Law, 25(3): 111-116.

Nelivigi,NS; Poojitha,MG; Roseneranz,A (1993): The Judiciary and the Environment : Recent Trends and Developments. Environmental Policy and Law, 23(2): 102-108.

Ogolla,BD (1992): Environemntal Management Policy and Law. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(3): 164-175.

Orie,KK (1995): Constitutional Approach to Sustainable Environmental Management: Experience and Challange. Environmental Policy and Law, 25(1/2): 43-51.

Robinson,NA (1993): Universal and National Trends in International Environmental Law. Environmental Policy and Law, 23(3/4): 148-154.

Robinson,NA (1992): Caring for the Earth : A Legal Blueprint for Sustainable Development. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(1): 22-25.

Rummel-Bulska,I (1994): The Basel Convention: A Global Approach for the Management of Hazardous Wastes. Environmental Policy and Law, 24(1): 13-18.

Samiotis,G (1993): The Legal Protection of Wetlands and the Ramsar Convention . Environmental Policy and Law, 23(2/3): 162-167.

Sathanathan,S (1992): Development of Environmental Policy. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(3): 182-188.

Simoncini,A (1994): Protected Areas and the Caracas Action Plan . Environmental Policy and Law, 24(2/3): 95-105.

Strenger,HJ (1991): The Chemical Industry in a Changing World. Environmental Policy and Law, 21(2): 55-57.

Tarasofsky,RG (1993): International Law and Water Conflicts in the Middle East. Environmental Policy and Law, 23(2): 70-73.

Tromans,S (1992): Environmental Liability. Environmental Policy and Law, 22(1): 43-48.


03. Some (recently published) Books:

a) Bigeochemistry:

Alef,K; Nannipieri,P (1995): Methods in Applied Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry. Academic Press Limited, Hardcourt Brace & Company Publishers, London. UK, 576 pp.

Alloway,BJ (1990): Heavy Metals in Soils, Blackie and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 339 pp, œ 69.00.

Aswathanarayana,U (1995): Geoenvironment: An Introduction. Distributed in India by Capital Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Published by A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands and Brookfield, USA, 270 pp, DM 120.

Brock,M; Boon,P; Grant,A (Eds.) (1995): Plants ans Process in Wetlands. The contents of the book are reprinted from Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45(8), 1994. CSIRO Bookshop, Melbourne, Australia, 200 pp, $ 50.00.

Degens,ET (1989): Perspectives on Biogeochemistry. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 423 pp.

Eaton,AD; Clesceri,LS; Greenberg,AE (1995): Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Published by American Public Health Association, Washington, USA, $ 180.

Eisma,D (1993): Suspended Matter in the Aquatic Environment. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 315 pp, DM 198.

Gordon,ND; McMahon,TA; Finlayson,BL (1992): Stream Hydrology : An Introduction for Ecologists. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., West Sussex, England, 526 pp, $ 82.45.

Hart,BT; Grant,A (Eds.) (1995): Interactions between Sediments and Water (papers from the 6th International Assocoation for Sediment Water Sciences held in Santa Barbara, California in December, 1993). Reprinted from Marine and Freshwater Research, 46(1), 1995. CSIRO Bookshop, Melbourne, Australia, 418 pp, $ 80.00.

Heling,D; Rothe,P; Forstner,U; Stoffen,P (1990): Sediments and Environmental Geochemistry. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 371 pp.

Hickin,EJ (1995): River Geomorphology. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 255 pp, $ 74.25.

Hutchinson,GE (1993): A Treatise on Limnology (Vol. IV). In : (Ed.: Edmondson,H), The Zoobenthos. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 944 pp, $ 140.00.

Ittekkot,V; Kempe,S; Michaelis,W; Spitzy,A (1990): Facts of Modern Biogeochemistry: Festschrift for E.T. Degens. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 433 pp, DM 128.

Matthers,G; Frimmel,FH; Hirsch,P; Schulz,HD; Usdowski,E (1992): Progress in Hydro Geochemistry: -organics -carbonate systems -silicate systems -microbiology -models. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 544 pp, DM 205.

Newson,M (1994): Hydrology and the River Environment. Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK, 221 pp, œ 14.95.

Sabata,BC; Nayar,MP (1995): River Pollution in India. APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, India, 223 pp, Rs. 500.00.

Schwab,GO; Fangneier,DD; Elliot,WJ (1996): Soil and Water Management Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 371 pp.

Sparka,DL (1995): Environmental Soil Chemistry. Academic press, Inc., San Diego, California, 267 pp, $ 39.00.

Young,LY; Carniglia,EC (1995): Microbiol Transformation and Degradation of Toxic Organic Chemicals. Wiley-Liss, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, New York, USA, 654 pp, $ 89.95.

Zepp,RG; Sonntag,Ch (Eds.) (1995): The Role of Nonliving Organic Matter in the Earth s Carbon Cycle. Report of the Dehlem Workshop at Berlin 1993, September 12-17. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, England, 342 pp, $ 115.50.


b) Environmental Law:

Agarwal,KC (1995): Environmental Pollution and Law. Agro Botanical Publishers, Bikaner, India, 546 pp, Rs. 600.00.

Agarwal,SK (1993): Environmental Protection. Hindustan Publications, Delhi, India, 131 pp, Rs. 200.00.

Jadhav,HV; Bhosale,VM (1995): Environmental Ptotection and Laws. Himalaya Publichins House, Bombay, India, 284 pp, Rs. 350.00.


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