

This issue of the Envis Newsletter contains the abstracts of all papers presented at the International workshop on "Environmental Biogeochemistry" being held at the School of Environmental Sciences, JNU from December 13-18, 1998. This workshop is sponsored by a number of National and International Organisations - namely the Volkswagen Research Foundation, Hannover, Germany; The University of Hamburg, Germany; SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of Environment (ICSU), Paris, France; Minstry of Environmernt and Forests, Government of India and the ENVIS Centre at the School of Environmental Sciences, JNU. The tenetative program of the workshop was already published in our ealier newsletter. This issue does not carry the list of recent refernces that have been very popular over the years with the readers. Also, book review is not included here. This issue is printed on recycled paper in order to set a trend in practising what we preach about out environment. We are also trying to go electronic so that the printed version can be dispensed away with. For all the email addresses we have, we will henceforth send thr newsletter only via email; those without this facility, of course will continue to receive the printed version. Our next issue will contain the deliberations of the workshop in addition to the usual features.

We are also accessible now in the website :

Please feel free to search the site; it is self explanatory and user friendly. This site was developed by our ENVIS staff and will be continuously updated with our activites and related developments in Biogeochemistry and Environmental Law.

Have a pleseant reading and on behalf of our staff and myself, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous 1999 as a prelude to the prospects of a better and clean living environment in the next millinium.

V. Subramanian


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