International conference on plastic waste management and environment during March, 15-16, 2001. Venue: India International Centre 40, Max Mueller Marg. New Delhi -110 003. Organised by: SHRIRAM INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 19, UNIVERSITY ROAD, DELHI -110 007. Sponsored by: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS, NEW DELHI. CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, DELHI. INDIAN CENTRE FOR PLASTICS IN ENVIRONMENT, MUMBAI.
International Workshop on Geoenvironmental Hazards and the Brain Storming Session on Arsenic Problem". During Nov. 29 - Dec.1st 2000 held at SES, JNU, New Delhi. Contact: Prof. V. Subarmanian, SES, JNU, New Delhi-67. TeleFax: 011-6106501.
Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. During 29 July - 2 August at University of Guelph, Canada. Contact: Department of Land Resource Science, University of Guelph, Ontario, NIG 2W1, Canada.
Workshop on Soil Systems in the Context of Climate Change. During April 2 - 6. 2001 Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoritical physics. P.O. Box. 586, I-34100, Trieste, Italy. Contact: Prof. U. Aswathanarayana, Advisor, Environment and Technology, CP-1947, Maputo, Mozampic. Fax: +2581-308915. Email:
National Seminar on Management of Coastal Resources and its Environs. During January 10-11, 2001 at Dharward. Contact: Dr. V.S. Hegde, Convener, Department of Civil Engineering, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dhavalagiri, Dharward – 580 002. Ph: 0836-445327, 447465. Fax: 0836-749638. Email:
Workshop on Recent Trends in Land Slide Assessment and Monitoring. During January 17-19 , 2001 at Mumbai. Contact: Dr. R. Nagarajan, Centre of Studies in Resource Engineering, IIT, Powai, Mumbai- 400 076. Ph: 022-5767681, 5767675. Fax: 022-5723190. Email:
National Seminar on Policy Planning & Techno-regulatory Input for Solid Waste Management. During 27
Indian Council of Social Science Research(ICSSR) Seminar on Disaster Management, its Economic, Social and Political Consequences. During 7-9th February, 2001 at India International Centre, Conference Room No. 2. 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi-110 003. Contact: Prof. M.L. Sondhi, Chairman, ICSSR, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-1. Phone: 91-11-338 5959, Fax: 91-11-338 1571, Email: