welcome to my resume Name: V. SUBRAMANIAN
Date of Birth:May 11, 1942
Present Position :Professor
Address:School of Environmental Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi- 110 067
Phone : (O) 011-6106501, (R) 011-6180320
Fax : 6106501; 6165886; 6168234
Telex : 031-73167 JNU IN
Email :

Languages : Tamil, English, Hindi, Bengali and Telugu

Academic qualifications:

Degree      Year    University/Institution
Ph.D.       1973    Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, 
		    Fulbright Scholar
M.Sc.       1966    Jadavpur University, Calcutta (Gold Medalist)
B.Sc.       1964,   Jadavpur University, Calcutta
S.S.L.C     1959    Tamilnadu Board (School Topper)

Positions held :

Position             Year                    University/Institution

Coordinator,         1994 Onwards for 5 years
DRS Programme in Biogeochemistry

Director,            1994 Onwards till retirement
ENVIS (Centre in Biogeochemistry)

Dean                 May 1992-1994              Jawaharlal Nehru University
School of Environmental Sciences

Professor             March 85 onwards                     - do -
Associate Professor   May 77 - Feb 85                      - do -
Assistant Professor   Sep.75 - May 77                      - do -
Assistant Professor   Aug.73 - July 75          McGill University, Canada
Post Doctoral Scholar Dec 72 - July 73          Northwestern University, USA
Teaching Fellow       June 70 - Dec72           Northwestern University, USA, Fulbright Scholar1968 - 1973


Funded research projects operated from 1973 onwards. Funds have been received from Agencies such as Geological Society of America (Penrose Grant - 1970-72), INRS (1973-74), CSIR, UGC, DST, DOEn, HLRF, NTPC,IHP, Technology Mission etc., Presently having a ENVIS Project from M.E.& F., Fluoride Project from Technology Mission, and DST project on water quality, all the major river basins in India have so far been studied by our group. Focus has been on Water Quality, Erosion and Sediment load, Nutrients and Heavy metals Pollution. Volkswagen Foundation Project, Jointly with University of Hamburg in Biogeochemistry of Peninsular India (since Dec 96) etc. Also currently projects from DST, Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water Misssion (MRD) and from Department of Ocean Development are in operation.

  1. Have been associated with a number of international bodies in varies capacities such as International Geophere and Biosphere Programme(IGBP), Scientific Committee on Problem of Environment (SCOPE), International Association Hydrlogical Sciences(IAHS), International Committee for Continental Erosion (ICCE) etc.

  2. Currently National Co-ordinater for IGBP-BAHC (Biospheric Aspect of Hydrological Cycle)

  3. Associated on behalf JNU, with Defence Services Colleges and Raman Research Institute for their Academic programs.

  4. Invited guest speaker on environment in Hyderabad (Jan,1998), during the Indian Science Congress. Also has given numerous lectures at many forum in the country in the last 20 years.

  5. Have given TV & radio programme on Environment in the last 5 years.

  6. Involved at various levels of Childrens Science Congress from time to time.

  7. President of Indian Society of Environmental Chemistry (Registered Society as NGO) based in Delhi since 1993.

  8. Serving Numerous committees within and outside the JNU.

  9. Currently chairman since its inception of Estate Maintenance Committee responsible for Engineering and Maintenance of JNU campus.

  10. Extensive international collaboration with Oxford Brookes, (U.K). Belgium (Antweup), France (IPGP), Germany (University of Hamburg), Bangladesh (Khulna University), Japan (Geological Society of Japan) and Netherlands (NIOR), University of Delawareand Louisiana (U.S.A), University of Hamburg (Germany) etc.

  11. Extensive national collaboration with Delhi University; Anna University; Annamalai University; Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology; Jadavpur University, Punjab University, Kalyani University; Roorkee University, Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay, Indian Institute Of Technology, Kanpur; Raman Research Institute, Indian Institute of Science; Mysore University, Osmania University; Gujarat Ecological Commission; Bhaba Atomic Research Centre; Mangalore University; Kerala University; Dayalbagh Institute, National Institute of Oceanography etc.

  12. Have extensively traveled both at international and National level.

  13. About one hundred international publication in such leading journals as Science of Total Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Soil, Air and Water Pollution, Journal of Biogeochemistry, Marine Geology, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Environmental Geology, marine Pollutions Bulletin, Estuarine etc.

  14. Had earlier been Member-Secretary, Indian National Committee for SCOPE.

  15. Presently editor a quarterly Newsletter on Biogeochemistry and Environmental Laws.

  16. Associated with organisation of several International and National Workshops on wide variety of topics dealing with environment.

  17. Will be organising an Indo-German workshop in Dec, 1998.

  18. Currently two books are nearing end of the preparation stage.

Countries visited and purpose of visit

1999 Toulouse, France(MidMay-mid June)Visiting Faculty

1999 Tsukuba, Japan(March)International Delta workshop

1999 Hamburg, Germany(April)Project meeting

1999 Manus, Brazil(Nov)Large Rivers sysmposium

1999 Stokholm,Sweden(Oct) SCOPE silica meeting

1998 Hamburg, GermanyVolkswagen Foundation Project

1997 Paris, FranceInvited lectures at IPGP Meeting

1997 Hamburg, Germany (Dec.)Volkswagen Foundation Project Meeting

1997 Amsterdam, Netherlands (Oct.)LOICZ Meeting

1997 Hamburg, Germany (July)Volkswagen Foundation Project Meeting

1997 Vienna, Austria (April)BAHC Meeting

1996 Hamburg, Germany (Dec.)Volkswagen Foundation Project Meeting

1996 Hamburg, Germany (Aug.)Soil Conservation (ISCO)

1996 Exeter, UK (July)Sediment Erosion (IAHS)

1996 Kathmandu, Nepal (April)BAHC - IGBP Meeting

1996 Amsterdam, Holland(Jan.-Feb.)Landuse Cover Change

1995 Bangkok, Thailand (Nov.)IHP - Coastal Process

1995 Manila, Philiphines (April)IGBP - LOICZ Workshop

1995 Paris, France (May)Biogeochemistry of Trace metals - Workshop

1994 London, U.K. (Nov.)Sustainable Development

1993 Hamburg, Germany(Sept)Fluxes to Oceans

1993 Budapest, Hungary (April)Biogeochemical cycle

1993 Taiwan (March)IGBP - COSTED

1992 Plymorth, UK. (Oct)Estuaries meeting

1991 Nairobi, Kenya,(Feb)Phosphorous workshop

1991 San Francisco, U.S.A. (Nov.)Estuaries meeting

1991 Caracas, Venezuela (Nov.)Phosphorous workshop

1989 USA (May)AGU/IAHS Symposium at Baltimore

1989 Philliphines (March)SCOPE-Phosphorous workshop. Philippines

1988 Thailand (Nov)SCOPE workshop on rivers and deltas at Bangkok.

1988 Canada (Oct)Workshop on toxic metals in rivers in Quebec city.

1988 Hungary (June)Indian Delegate for SCOPE General Assembly in Budapest.

1988 Poland (May)SCOPE P-Workshop in Poznan.

1988 USSR (September)UNEP/SCOPE workshop on rivers at Lake Baikal, Siberia.

1987 Canada (August)Invited presentation of a paper in Symposium(14) on Pollutants transport in IUGC at Vancouver.

1987 Thailand (February)a) Attended the Scientific advisory committee meeting of Phosphorous cycle of SCOPE.b) Attended as Indias representative to the Executive Committee meeting of SCOPE.Both held in Bangkok.

1986 USA (September)Presented invited paper in UNEP/SCOPE river workshop in August. Also acted as Reporter for one of the working groups at Fairbanks, Alaska.

1986 Iraq (February)to present a keynote paper on Indian rivers at ICCE meeting at Baghdad.

1986 France (January)To attend the first meeting of he scientific advisory committee on Biogeochemical cycle of phosphorous (SCOPE) in Paris.

1985 UK (November)To attend the third meeting of the scientific advisory committee on Global cycling of heavy metals (SCOPE) in London.

1985 USA (September)Official Indian delegate (by INSA) to the General Assembly of SCOPE at Washington D.C.

1985 China (May)To present a paper at the UNEP/SCOPE workshop on mineral transport by rivers in Tianjin, PRC.

1984 Canada (September)To present a paper and attend the second meeting of the scientific advisory committee on Global cycling of heavy metals at Toronto.

1984 USSR (July)To present paper on river transport of Sulphur at the UNEP work-shop on Global sulphur cycling, Tallin, Estonian SSR.

1984 Venezuela (April)To chair a group and present a paper on Indian rivers at river workshop, Caracas.

1983 W.Germany (August)To present papers at ICCE,IAPSO meetings at Hamburg and to attend the first meeting of the scientific advisory committee on heavy metals at Heidelberg.

1982 UK (July)To present paper at the first General Assembly of ICCE at Exeter.

1982 USA (August)Visiting Faculty at University of Delaware, Newark, Del.

1982 Canada (August)To present papers at the Inter. Ass. Sedimentology meeting at Hamilton.

1982 Belgium (Sept - Oct)Visiting Faculty at University Antwerp, Antwerpen-wilriyk.

1981 France, Sweden & UKTo give lecture (France-Nantes), present paper at Inter. (May-June) Conf. Biogeochem (Stockholm), give lecture (Oxford) and visiting Faculty at Oxford polytechnic.

1968-73 USA, CanadaTeaching and Research


Name of the Student	Thesis TitleYear

D.P.Saxena, Paleoenvironmental Studies of the Yamuna River Basin using Pollen and other Biogeochemical Techniques. 1998 Dilip Kumar Datta, Particle Bound Nutrients and Heavy Metals in the Bengal Basin 1996 Lallan Prasad Gupta, Nature of Organic Matter in the Sediments of the Godavari River Basin 1996 Jose, P.G., Nature of Distribution and Fractionation of Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the sediments of the Ganga Estuary. 1995 Chandan Mahanta, Distribution of Nutrients and Toxic metals in the sediments of the Brahmaputra River Basin. 1995 A.L. Ramanathan, Geochemistry of Cauvery River Basin 1993 Debasish Panda, Texture, Mineralogy and Chemical Composition Of Chilka Lake Sediments 1992 G.Mohanchandran, Distribution, fractionation and deposition of Heavy metals in the sediments of three major peninsular estuaries (Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery) and associated coastal region 1992 G.J. Chakrapani, Environmental Geochemistry of the Mahanadi River Basin 1991 V.K. Choubey, Modelling sediment and dissolved load of the Tawa reservoir and River (M.P)by remote sensing Techniques 1990 P.Vaithiyanathan, Heavy metal distribution, fractionation and deposition in the Cauvery river Basin. 1989 S.K.Singh, Nature of Chemical and sediment distribution in the Ganges between Patna and Kosi 1988. P.K. Jha, Nature of Chemical and Sediment load in the Yamuna River Basin. 1986 N. Abbas, Geochemistry of the Ganges River Basin 1983 R. Ramesh, Geochemistry of the Krishna River Basin 1985 G. Biksham, Geochemistry of the Godavari River Basin 1986 R.L. Sitasawad, Distribution of Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb and Zn in Jamuna River sediments, Delhi 1985 S.K. Singh, Coprecipitation of Base Metals with HydrousFe and Mn Oxides; their properties and application to pollution control 1983 Md.A. Haque, Studies on uptake of Base Metals by common vegetable plants from contaminated soil from Khetri and Zawar mining region 1981

M.Phil. and M.Sc. students:

M.Phil- In addition, about 22 students obtained their M.Phil degree under my supervision over the last 24 years on wide topics Related to river water quality, erosion, metals pollution and biogeochemistry. M.Sc.- Farther, about 10 students completed their M.Sc. project work with me On diverse topics related to some field and laboratory based studies in various parts of India. Some students discontinued after their M.Phil or M.Sc. because of job opportunities.

List of Publications (2000-1968)

Madhavan,N; Subramanian,V (2000): Sulphide mining as a source of arsenic in the environment. Current Science. 78(6), 702-709.

Ramesh,R; Ramanathan,AL; James,A; Subramanian,V (1999): Rare Earth elements and Heavy Metal Distribution in the Estuarine sediments of the East coast of India. Hydrobiologia. (in press).

Subramanian,V(1999): Geochemical processes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system. In: Hydrological and Geochemical Processes in Large Scale River Basins, Manaus, Brazil. P 181.(Abstract).

Datta,DK; Gupta,LP; Subramanian,V (1999): Distribution of C,N and P in the sediments of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Megna system in the Bengal Basin. Organic geochemistry. 30. 75-82.

Shivkumar,S; Subramanian,V; Walimbe,SR; Lalji Singh (1999):Current trends in Ancient DNA studies- A review. Current Science. 76, 879-885.

Verma,A; Subramanian,V; Ramesh,R(1999): Methane emission from a Tropical Urban Wetlands. Current Science. 76, 1020-1022.

Subramanian,V(1999): Biogeochemical cycles-key note address National seminar on environmental Geology-Punjab Univ., Feb,1999. (abstract only).

Subramanian,V(1999): Continental Phosphorus Transfer to Oceans - South Asian Scenario.SEPM special publication. 65 (in press).

Datta,DK; Subramanian,V (1998): Distribution and fractionation of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system in the Bengal basin. Environmental Geology, 36(1/2) 93-101.

Gupta,LP; Subramanian,V (1998): Geochemical factors controlling the chemical nature of water and sediments in the Gomti River, India. Environmental Geology, 36(1/2)102-108.

Subramanian,V; Ittekkot,V (1998): Editors: Environmental Biogeochemistry, Internaional Workshop volume held at School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 446 pages. A joint publication of JNU-Hamburg Univ.

Dekov,DM; Araujo,F; Subramanian,V; Van Grieken, R(1998): Chemical composition of sediments and suspended matter from the Cauvery and Brahmapurta river (India). Science of Total Environment. 212, 89-105.

Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V; Ramesh,R; James,A (1999): Environmental geochemistry of the Pitchavaram Mangroves Ecosystem. Environmental Geology. 37, 323-333

Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V (1998): Texture and Minerology of suspended sediments in Cauvery River. Journal of Geological Society of India. 52, 111-114.

Subramanian,V (1998): What does our rivers carry?-inaugural key note address at the International Workshop on Hydrogeochemistry, Chidambaram,TN (Nov,1998) ( only abstract)

Gupta,LP; Subramanian,V; Ittekot,V (1997): Nature of organic matter in the sediments of the Godavari River Basin. Biogeochemistry, 38(2): 103-128.

Datta,D; Subramanian,V (1997): Nature of solute load in the rivers of Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Journal of Hydrology, 198: 196-208.

Datta,D; Subramanian,V (1997): Texture and Mineralogy of the sediments from the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh and their environmental implications. Environmental Geology, 30(3/4), 181-188.

Subramanian,V (1996): The Sediment Load of Indian Rivers.International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication. 236, 183-189.

Subramanian,V; Ramanathan,AL (1996): Nature of Sediment Load in the Ganga- Brahmaputra River System in India. In (Ed. : Milliman, JD; Haque, BK), Sea Level Rise and Coastal Subsidence. Kluwar Academic Press, Netherlands, 226-245.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V (1996): Fractionation of Heavy Metals and Phosphorus in suspended sediments of Yamuna river, India. Environmental Management and Assessment, 43, 117-124.

Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V; Das,BK (1996): Biogeochemical studies in the Cauvery estuary, cast of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 25, 71-73.

Ramesh,R; Purvaja,GR; Subramanian,V (1996): Carbon and Phosphorus transport by the major Indian Rivers. Journal of Biogeography, 22, 409-415.

Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V; Das,BK(1995): Sediment and Heavy metal accumulation in the Cauvery Basin. Environmental Geology,27(3), 155-163.

Panda,D; Subramanian,V; Panigrahy,RC (1995): Geochemical fractionation of heavy metals in Chilka Lake (East Coast of India) - a tropical Coastal lagoon. Environmental Geology, 26, 199-210.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V; Gibbs,RJ; Jha,PK (1995): Size characteristics and mineralogy in suspended sediments of the Ganges river, India. Environmental Geology, 25, 192-196.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V (1994): Grain size Distribution and Mineralogy of the Suspended Sediments of Mahanadhi River. Journal Geological Society of India. 44, 541-546.

Gupta,LP; Subramanian,V (1994): Environmental Geochemistry of the River Gomti: A Tributary of the Ganga River. Environmental Geology, 24, 235-243.

Subramanian,V (1994): Pollution Problems in River. In: (Ed.: by Banerjee, SP), Second National Seminar on Minerals and Ecology,Oxford-IBH Publishers, Delhi, 209-215.

Subramanian,V; Mohanchandran,G (1994): Deposition and Fluxes of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of three major Peninsular Estuaries. In : (Dyer, KR; Orth, RJ eds), ERF Workshop, Plymouth, Proceedings, Olsen and Olsen Pub., London, 97-106.

Ramanathan,AL; Vaithiyanathan,P; Subramanian,V; Das,BK(1993): Nature and Transport of Solute load in the Cauvery River Basin, India. Water Research, 28, 1585-1593.

Subramanian,V (1993): Sediment load of Indian Rivers. Current science. 64, 928-931. (Invited Contribution)

Vaithiyanathan,P; Jha,PK; Subramanian,V(1993): Phosphorus distribution in the sediments of the Hooghly (Ganges) Estuary, India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 37, 603-614.

Ramanathan,AL; Vaithiyanathan,P; Subramanian,V; Das,BK (1993): Geochemistry of the Cauvery Estuary, East Coast of India. Estuaries. 16, 459-474.

Subramanian,V; Ittekkot,V (1993): Input from Indian Rivers to Ocean (Abstract only). Univ. Hamburg. Fluxes to Oceans Workshop, Proceedings, Sept 1993.

Vaithiyanathan,P; Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V (1993): Transport and Distribution of heavy metals in Cauvery river, Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 71, 13-28.

Jha,PK; VaithiyanathanP; Subramanian,V (1993): Mineralogical characteristics of the sediments of a Himalayan river - a tributary of the Ganges. Environmental Geology,22, 13-20.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V (1993): Heavy Metals Distribution and fractionation of in sediments of the Mahanadi River Basin, India. Environmental Geology, 22, 80-87.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V (1993): Rates of erosion and sedimentation in the Mahanadi River Basin, India. Journal of Hydrology, 140, 39-48.

Subramanian,V; Ramanathan,AL; Ramesh,R (1993): Nature of Phosphorus distribution in the Cauvery estuary. In: (Eds. Swaminathan,MS; Ramesh,R), Sustainable Management of Coastal Ecosystem. Published by M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Madras. 135-145.

Subramanian,V (1993):Phosphorous, Silicon, and some Trace Contaminants in Ganges Estuary. Estuaries, 16, 453-458.

Vaithiyanathan,P; Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V (1992): Sediment transport in the Cauvery River basin : sediment characteristicsand controlling factors, Journal of Hydrology, 139, 197-210.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1992): Textural Characteristics of the Krishna River Sediments. Geo. Journal, 28, 449-452.

Choubey,VK; Subramanian,V (1992): Estimation of suspended solids using Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1A data: a case study from Central India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 13(8), 1473-1486.

Mohanachandran,G; Subramanian,V (1992): Processes controlling the heavy metal distribution, fractionation and deposition in the sediments of South coast of India. Proceedings of the symposium on environment. B.A.R.C. Bombay. 82-85.

Subramanian,V; Ittekkot,V (1991): Carbon transport in Himalayan rivers. In: Eisma, D; Kempe,S-editors: SCOPE :42. Biogeochemistry of Major World rivers, Wiley and sons, England. 42, 159-170.

Vaithyanathan,P; Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V (1991): Particulate Heavy metal Distribution in the Peninsular River Basins of India. The Science of the Total Environment, 98, 231-248.

Choubey,VK; Subramanian,V (1991): Spectralresponse to suspended sediments in water under controlled conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 122, 301-308.

Biksham,G; Subramanian,V; Ramanathan,AL; VanGrieken,R (1991): Heavy metal distribution in the Godavari river basin. Environmental Geology and Water Sciences,17(2), 117-126.

Subramanian, V; Mohanachandran,G (1990): Heavy metals Distribution and Enrichment in the sediments of Southern East coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 21, 324-330.

Choubey,VK; Subramanian,V (1990): Nature of suspended solids and IRSIA-LISSI Data - a case study of Tawa Reservoir (Narmada Basin). Remote Sensing of Environment, 34, 207-215.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V; VanGrieken,R (1990): Distribution of heavy metals in the river sediments of Krishna river basin. EnvironmentalGeology and Water Sciences, 15, 207-216.

Jha,PK; Subramanian,V; Sitasawad,R; VanGreiken,R (1990): Heavy metals in the sediments of the Yamuna river (A Tributary of the Ganges), India. The Science of the Total Environment., 95, 7-27.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V (1990): Factors controlling sediment discharge in the Mahanadi River Basin, India. Journal of Hydrology. 117,169- 185.

Chakrapani,GJ; Subramanian,V (1990): Preliminary studies on the geochemistry of the Mahanadi River basin. India. Chemical Geology, 81, 241-253.

Mohanachandran,G; Subramanian,V (1990): Texture, Mineralogy and Chemical composition of sediments along the South-EastCoastof India.IndianJournalof Marine Sciences, 7, 128-132.

Hasnain,SI; Subramanian,V; Dhanpal,K (1989): Chemical Characteristics and Suspended Sediment Load of Meltwaters from a Himalayan Glacier in India. Journal of Hydrology, 106, 99-108.

Subramanian,V; Ramanathan,AL; Vaithiyanathan,P (1989): Distribution and Fractionationofheavymetals in the Cauvery estuary, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 20, 286-290.

Vaithiyanathan,P; Subramanian,V; Ramanathan,AL(1989): Transport and distribution ofphosphorus by Indian rivers. Memoirs Geological Society of India, 13, 127-137.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V; VanGrieken,R; Van't Dack, L (1989): The elemental chemistry of Sediments in the Krishna river basin, India, Chemical Geology, 74, 331-341

Subramanian,V; Vaithiyanathan,P (1989): PhysicalTransportof Phosphorous, in rivers. In: Tiessen, H (ed.) Phosphorus cycles in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem, Regional workshop 1: Europe SCOPE Vol., 283-295.

Subramanian,V; Jha,PK; Van Grieken,R (1988): Heavy metals in Ganges estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 19, 290-293.

Biksham,G; Subramanian,V (1988): Elemental composition of the Godavari Sediments (Central and Southern Indian Subcontinent). Chemical Geology, 70, 275-286.

Biksham,G;Subramanian,V (1988): Nature of solute transport in the Godavari river basin, India. Journalof Hydrology, 103, 375-392.

Biksham,G; Subramanian,V (1988): Sediment transport of Godavari river basin and its controlling factors. Journal of Hydrology, 101, 275-290.

Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V; Vaithiyanathan,P (1988): Chemicaland sediment characteristics of the Upper Reaches of the Cauvery estuary, East Coast of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 17, 114-120.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1988): Temporal, spatial, and size variation in the sediment Transport in the Krishna River Basin, India. Journal of Hydrology,98, 53-65.

Vaithiyanathan,P; Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V (1988): Erosion, Transport and Depositionof sediments by the tropicalriversof India. Sediment Budgets, 174, 561-574.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V; Pillai,KC (1988): Sediment and elemental accumulation rates in the Krishna river basin, India.The Science of the Total Environment, 72, 221-226.

Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian,V; Vaithiyanathan,P (1988): Chemical and sediment characteristics of the upper reaches of the Cauvery Estuary, East cost of India. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 17, 114-120.

Subramanian,V; Biksham,G; Ramesh,R (1987): Environmental Geology of Peninsular rivers inIndia. Journal Geological Society of India, 30, 393-401.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1988):Nature of the Dissolved load of the Krishna river basin, India. Journal of Hydrology, 103, 139-155.

Singh,BK; Subramanian,V (1988): Water and sediment load in Streams Draining Mussorrie phosphate mining area. Journal Geological Society of India, 31, 575-583.

Jha,PK; Subramanian,V; Sitasawad,R (1988): Chemical and mass transfer in the Yamuna river - A tributary of the Ganges system. Journal of Hydrology, 104, 237-246.

Subramanian,V; Jha,PK (1988): Geochemical studies on the Hooghly (Ganges) estuary :In:Alaska workshopon river transport 1986. Rivertransport of Carbon and Mineral, 5. Univ. Hamburg press, 66, 267 - 288.

Subramanian,V; Jha,PK (1988): Geochemical studies on the Hooghly (Ganges) Estuary. In: (Ed.: Degens, ET; Kempe, S; Naidu, AS), Transport of carbon and minerals in major world rivers, Lakes and Estuaries. Mitt. Geol. Palaeont. Inst., University of Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband, Hamburg, 66, 267-283.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1987): Mineralogy, Texture and Chemical composition of Brine-sediments near Madras, East Coast of India.Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 16, 90-93.

Subramanian,V; Biksham,G; Ramesh,R (1987): Environmental geology of Peninsular River basin of India. Journal Geological Society of India, 30, 393-401.

Subramanian,V; Haque,A (1987): Contamination of soil and wheat crop with Pb and Cd adjacent to a highway in Iraq. Paper presented at SCOPE workshop Delhi, Full paper in SCOPE volume, Willey Inter Sc. N.Y.

Subramanian,V. (1987): Distributionoforganic Cand phosphorous in the river sediments from Indian sub-continent. IAHS meeting., Vancouver, Canada. IUGG. Abstract p.984.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1987): Heavy metal content in the sediments of major Peninsular Rivers of Southern India. Proceedings International Conference on AHeavy metals in the Environment, New Orleans, 160-162.

Subramanian,V; Sitasawad,R; Abbas,N; Jha,PK (1987): Environmental Geology on the Ganga River Basin. Journal Geological Society of India. 30, 335-355.

Subramanian,V (1987): Heavy metals distribution in the sediments of Ganges and Brahmaputra river sediments. Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, 9, 93 - 103.

Subramanian,V (1987):Environmental geochemistry of Indian riverbasin- A review (invited contribution).Journal Geological Society of India, 29, 205-220.

Subramanian,V; Van Grieken,R; Van'tdack>dack, L (1987): Transport and fractionation of Pb in river sediments from the Indian sub-continent. Journal Geological Society of India, 30, 217 -226.

Subramanian,V; Van Grieken,R; Van'tdack,L (1987): Heavy metals distribution in the sediments of Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, 9(2), 93-103.

Jawroski,PW et al., (including Subramanian,V)(1986): Group report on Pb IN Occurrences and pathways of Toxic metals in the environment, Wiley Inter Sc., Editor: T. Hutchinson. 3-16.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1986): Some aspects of erosion and sediment transport in the Krishna River Basin. In : (Eds. Radhakrishna,BP; Ramachandran;KK), India=s Environment - Problems and Perspectives. Memoir (5), Geological Society of India, Bangalore 261-267.

Subramanian,V (1986): A review of book Ganga pollution and Health Hazard by Upendra Kumar Sinha. Journal Geological Society of India, 28, 334.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1986): Mass transport in the Krishna river basin. InternationalAssociationof Hydrological Sciences, 159, 185-197.

Bikhshamiah,G; Subramanian,V (1985): Stream salinity in the Indian arid zone - Comment. Journal of Hydrology, 82, 175-177.

Cole,CV; Subramanian,V (1985): The Biogeochemical Phosphorous Cycle. Report prepared for discussion atSCOPE General Assembly, Washington, DC. (The report has since been accepted and the work on P - cycle initiated).

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1985): Water-mineral equilibrium in solar salt farm near Madras.Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 14, 79-84.

Subramanian,V (1985): Water Chemistry of the Ganga. Science Today (September), p52.

Subramanian,V; Vant'dack,L; Van Grieken,R (1985): Chemical composition of riversediments from the Indiansub - continental river, India. Chemical Geology, 48. 271-279

Subramanian,V;Sitasawad,R; Joshi,LU (1985): Rate of sedimentation in the Yamuna river around Delhi using the Pb210/Ra225 method.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry articles, 90, 271-277.

Subramanian,V (1985): Geochemistry of river basins in the Indian subcontinent, Part I : Water Chemistry, Chemical Erosion and Water-Mineral Equilibrium. In : Transport of Carbon and Minerals in World Rivers Editor.E. Degens., 495-512.

Subramanian,V; Richey,J; Abbas,N (1985): Geochemistry of river basins in the Indian subcontinent, Part II : Water Chemistry, Chemical Erosion and Water-Mineral Equilibrium. In : Transport of Carbon and Minerals in World Rivers Editor.E. Degens. 513 - 518.

Subramanian,V; Vant'dack,L; VanGrieken,R (1985): Preliminary studies on the geochemistry ofCauvery river basin. Earth and Planetary Science, (Proceeding Indian Academy of Science), 94(2), 99-110.

Ramesh,R; Subramanian,V (1985): Some aspects of erosion and sediment transport in the Krishna river . Journal of Geological Society of India, Memoir,5. 261 - 267.

Subramanian,V (1985): Erosion in the Cauvery river basin, India. International Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flow and Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba, Japan, 81-83.

Abbas,N; Subramanian,V (1984): Erosion and sediment transportinthe Ganges river basin (India). Journal of Hydrology, 69, 173 - 182.

Singh,SK; Subramanian,V (1984): Hydrous Fe and Mn oxides-Scavengers of heavy metals in the aquatic environment. CRC - Critical reviews in Environmental control, 14, 33-90.

Subramanian,V (1984): River transport of phosphorous and genesisof ancient phosphorites. Geological Survey of India(special publication), 17, 11-15.

Subramanian,V; Sitasawad,R (1984): A Study on water quality in the River Yamuna around Delhi, India. Water Quality Bulletin,9, 219 - 222.

Subramanian,V (1983): Factors controlling the chemical composition of river waters of India. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication, 141, 145-152.

Subramanian,V; Saxena,KK (1983): Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater in the Delhi region of India. 146, 307-316.

Subramanian,V (1983): Erosion and sediment yield in the Krishna River basin, India. Relation of Groundwater quantity and quality (Proc. of the Hamburg Symposium), 137, 193-198.

Haque,MA; Subramanian,V (1982): Copper, lead and zinc pollution of soil environment. CRC - Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, 12, 13 - 89.

Subramanian,V (1982): Chemistry of water in some rivers of Western India. Recent Researches in Geology, 9, 319-328.

Bikshamiah,G; Subramanian,V (1981): Dissolved transport during low discharge in Godavari basin. IN : Proc. Inter. Sym. Hydrol. Aspects of Draught, 1, 221 - 227.

Subramanian,V; Saxena,KK (1981): Reply tocommentson >chemistry of monsoon rain water over Delhi, India=. Tellus, 33, 511.

Subramanian,V (1981): Water quality and sediment transport. IN: Joint UNESCO-WMO Inter. Conf. on Hydrology Report from India, 77-80.

Bikshamiah,G; Subramanian,V (1980): Chemical and sediment mass transfer in the Godavari river basin in India. Journal of Hydrology, 46, 331-342.

Subramanian,V (1980): A geochemical model forPhosphate mineralizationin marine environment. Geological Survey of India Special Publications, 44, 308-313.

Subramanian,V; Saxena,KK (1980): Chemistry of monsoon rain water over Delhi, India. Tellus, 32, 558 - 561.

Subramanian,V (1980): Mineralogical input of suspended matter by Indian rivers into theadjacent areas of the Indianoceans.Marine Geology. 36, 29 -34.

Subramanian,V; Gibbs,RJ (1973): Selectivity sequence ofexchangeable trace metals on clay minerals. Recent Research Geology,2, 202-210.

Subramanian,V; Gibbs,RJ (1972): Sorption of trace metals by clay minerals. Geol. Soc. America Ann. Mtg. Minneapolis ( Abst ), 680.

Subramanian,V (1968): Petrographic Studies on Coal from a part of Eastern Himalayas. Proceedings of Research Seminar on Coal-A Petrographic Approach@, Nagpur, India, 25-28.

Subramanian,V (1968): A note on sedimentological studies around Kalijhora and Sevoke, Darjeeling. Science and Culture. 34, 369-370.

Subramanian,V (1968): A note on some structural elements around Lat Panchor and Kalijhora, Darjeeling Dist. Science and Culture, 34, 370-371.