NEW DELHI - 110 067
Section-1: General profile
Section-2: Biogeochemistry
Section-3: Environmental Biology
Section-4: Human Resource Development
Section-5: Students Achievements
Section-6: Books Procured from DRS programme in SES
Section-7: Equipment Procured from DRS programme in SES
Section-8: Participant Faculty members and their Achievement
The DRS programme, with focus on biogeochemistry and environmental geology came into existence on 23/3/1994 and ended on March 31,1999.During this period, a number of academic activities took place both in the field and in the lab. The mobile laboratory was used extensively for field related activities over a radius of about 350 Km by the participating Faculty, their students and other Faculty and students in the school. Some of the M.Sc. and M.Phil field work requirements for the school students were also done using this vehicle. The major activities related to geochemical, ecological, biological and pollution (air, water and soil) related projects of various teachers and students. Details are given in the full report in our DSA proposal.
The carbon analyser, scintillation counter, and the ultra centrifuge are in regular use. The work station is fully utiliser for the internet connections within the school for all labs and for also with additional terminal, as PC's for various courses.
The success of the programme can be judged from the quality publications of the participating faculty and students details of witch are given under individual teachers listing. Various laboratories in the country has been using our facility from time time eading to collaborative projects with a number of institutions in the country. The programme helped us develop manpower training at various levels-students, young researchers and some technical staff. Focussing on biogeochemistry and environmental biology has led to a number of students thesis both at M.Phil and Ph.D levels on these topics.
Release of additional grant towards the end of the programme helped us add some essential accessories and also upgrade some of the systems such as the Carbon anayser to C and S analyser, increase capacity of the work station etc.
By encouraging some of the younger and newer faculty during this programme, we have been able to get many faculty interested in the Special assistance programme of UGC so that our new proposal for upgradation to DSA level involves, a larger number of faculty than at present.
During this period, we had several visitors to our labs and the participating faculty and students also were involved in many national and international level activities. We also organised a number of seminars/workshops at different levels on topics related to the DRS programme. The achievements of some of the students and faculty will attest to the success of this programme, not withstanding some short comings. A large number of books procured are in the central library of the university for extensive use by the entire JNU community.
A mid term progress of our work presented in the Goa meeting received good appreciation and review leading to the grant and subsequent release of additional funds.
Equipments procured in the programme are housed in a centarlised location in the school and constitute the main part of our central instrumentatiuon facility and accessable to every one in the school. We have also created a separate Nitrogen digestion chamber.
Progress under this programme also helped us revise some of the existing courses and also introduce some new courses such "geochemical cycle", "environmental geology", "limnology", "ecology and sustainable development" etc at various levels.
During the course of research advisory committee meetings, a number of suggestions with respect to academic programmes were made by the members and they were duely implemented over the last five years. Our DSA proposal gives the details of various steps taken in this direction.
Progress under the DRS programme can be farther elaborated under the following headings:
The ongoing DRS programme in our school have centered on understanding the biogeochemical behaviour of a number of representative aquatic systems. A number of rivers such as the Godavari, Jamuna, Gomti, Cauvery, Brahmaputra and the Ganges have been studied during this period. Attempts were made to understand the nature of the organic matter, speciation of some of the toxic metals in the aquatic system and pathways of phosphorous in the sediment-water interface. Efforts were also made, in the light of our original proposal, to investigate some aspects of the paleo-environment particularly the last few hundred to thousand years. For this purpose, the Yamuna river system was used as the study area. Transport and pathway of a number of elements in the environment are largely influenced by a number of anthropogenic factors. One such major factor is the urban solid waste management. Limited studies on these aspects were initiated in this area in the national capital region. Work was also initiated on one of the green house gas emission-methane gas- in natural system- we started measurements in some of the coastal wetlands to identify the missing link in the carbon budget in the ecosystem.
One of the aspects of biogeochemistry that has bearing on a number of global problems is the dynamics of carbon in the ecosystem. We could not address this issue to our satisfaction during the period covered by the DRS.
Some key contribution during this period can be seen from the following widely acclaimed publications on various aspects of Biogeochemistry:
Shivkumar,S; Subramanian,V; Walimbe,SR; Lalji Singh (1999):Current trends in Ancient DNA studies- A review. Current Science. 76 (7) pp879-885
Gupta, LP; Subramanian, V (1998): Geochemical factors controlling the chemical nature of water and sediments in the Gomti River, India Environmental Geology, 36(1/2)102-108.
Gupta, LP; Subramanian, V; Ittekot,V (1997): Nature of organic matter in the sediments of the Godavari River Basin. Biogeochemistry, 38(2): 103-128.
Managing biodiversity for sustainable development in Hima-laya. In: Conservation and Management of Biological Resources in Himalaya. P.S. Ramakrishnan, A.N. Purohit, K.G. Saxena, K.S. Rao and R.K. Maikhuri (Eds.) pp. 3-26. UNESCO Workshop Volume/World Heritage Centre. 1996. (with A.N. Purohit, K.G. Saxena, K.S. Rao & R.K. Maikhuri).
Conservation and management of biological resources in the Himalaya - Issues and priorities for cross sectoral cooperative actions. In: Conservation and Management of Biological Resources in Himalaya. P.S. Ramakrishnan, A.N. Purohit, K.G. Saxena, K.S. Rao and R.K. Maikhuri (Eds.) pp. 585-594. UNESCO Workshop Volume/World Heritage Centre. 1996. (with A.N. Purohit, K.G. Saxena, K.S. Rao & R.K. Maikhuri).
Complexation of Cu (II), Cd (II) with humic and fulvic acids of Yamuna river sediments ( with S. Sahu), in the book Chemistry for Protection of the Environment", ed. Pawloski et al , Plenum Press, New York, 1996, 375-387.
Gopal, B. 1995. Wetlands and Biodiversity: How to kill two birds with one stone? Keynote Lecture, Workshop on Wetlands and Biodiversity, International Conference on Wetlands and development. Kuala Lumpur, 8-14 October 1995. Asian Wetland Bureau, Kuala Lumpur.
The main thrust of this programme was to study the effects of toxicants on human, plant and animal species at the population and organism level as well as cellular and molecular levels by using the modern methods of recombinant DNA technology.
Highlights of Research Activities in Environmental Biology:
Cell-cell and cell matrix interaction in cellular signaling in response to environmental stimuli
The unifying theme of this project is to unravel the mechanism of toxicity development by the interaction of toxicants with biomacromolecules leading to phenotypic changes like chemically induced cellular transformation or chemical carcinogenesis.
"Environment" does not consist only of the global macroenvironment. Of equal importance is the environment around the tissues and organs within a living organism or what might be called the microenvironment. These macro and microenvironments are not in mutually exclusive compartments but interact intimately with each other. Like the macroenvironment, the microenvironment also has a profound effect on the tissues or organs in a living system down to its most basic unit - a single cell.
In multicellular organisms, the space between two cells or the cellular environment is a complex network of secreted biomolecules. This space is called extracellular matrix (ECM). ECM molecules act as biological glue, adhering to various structures and having a role in numerous cellular functions.
Adhesive interactions between cells and insoluble meshwork of ECM plays a vital role in the regulation of cellular functions, primarily on cellular transformation and programmed cell death as a response of the cells to the environmental stimuli. For last few years my group is working on a novel ECM glycoprotein, hyaluronic acid binding protein, confirming its involvement in signal transduction pathway in transformed cells and tumor tissues (Mol. Rep. Dev., 1994, 38, 69-76; Cell. Mol. Biol. Res., 1995, 41, 467-476; Biochem. Mol. Biol. Intl.,1996, 40, 327-337; Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1997, 1336, 387-393) . We have purified, characterized this novel protein and finally, cloned and overexpressed the gene encoding HA-binding protein by screening human fibroblast cDNA library (J. Biol. Chem., 1996, 269, 2206-2212). By sequence search analysis, we have established its multifunctional activities as this protein is identical with three other proteins like splicing factor associated protein, cellular protein, which interacts with HIV type 1 Rev and the receptor of gC1q - the complement subcomponent (Gene, 1997, 190, 223-226). As a part of the programme, we confirm its localization on human chromosome 17p12-p13, next to p53, the tumor suppressor gene; supporting our earlier observation on the probable role of this protein on carcinogenesis (Genomics, 1998, 51, 476-477). Recently, Human Genome Organization Committee has assigned the name of this gene as HABP-1. The availability of the gene encoding multifunctional protein HABP-1, its monoclonal antibody and purified functionally active recombinant HABP-1 allow us to continue our research activities to clarify its specific role in cell signalling related to chemical carcinogenesis and programmed cell death.
The facilities generated in the DRS programme have been fully utilized by M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, other research scholars and faculty members. A summary of some of the achievements by our students, given in enclosure-1, will show the extent of success of our efforts towards manpower training. In addition, during the course of the DRS phase, we have been successful in generating a large amount of external funding to sustain our research efforts. But we could not organise training courses for scholars from other institutions due to funding problems. Also, training of a few students from other places could not be regularly organised, though on individual basis our labs were well used by younger generation scholars from many places.
Lallan P.Gupta a Ph.D student between 1992 and 1996, was the all India. NET topper in Earth Sciences in 1995.
Lallan Gupta also received long term DAAD fellowship to work at the Institute of Biogeochemistry, Hamburg University 1994-1996.
D.P.Saxena spent six months at Tier in Germany on a short term DAAD fellowship working on paleoenvironment during 1997.
Ms.Archana Bharadwaj -a current Ph.D student- received a short term DAAD fellowship in 1998 for working at Munster,Germany.
One recent Ph.D.(1998) Abhay Kumar Singh received ISCA young Scientist award in 1998.
Two students-Sujit Bajpayee and Anuradha Verma visited Hamburg in connection with the ongoing Indo-German Volkswagen Project on Biogeochemistry in 1997s and 1998.
Several papers have either been published or in press based on students, work: mention can be made of day time variation in methane emission from coastal wetlands" in Current Science,(1999) by Anuradha Verma( jointly with her teacher) based on her M.Sc project in 1996. And a review articles on Ancient DNA studies by Shivkumar,S ( jointly with his two co-supervisors) in Current Science(1999, in press).
Some students also participated in joint Indo-German field work in the western Ghats region ( S.Bajpayee and A.Verma) and the Indo-French field work in the Narmada basin ( S.Bajpayee and C. Chatterjee- a project staff)
A project Scientist Dr.Annadurai in the ENVIS Biogeochemistry programme went to Hamburg (Germany) for one month in connection with the Volkswagen Project in Feb,1999.
Five German students and three French scholars also spent upto 3 months in our laboratory for analytical work. Between 1996 and 1998.
A number of students from Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra and from the Dept of Envt.Sc, Guru Jambopjdkar University (Hissar) , and students from Dept of Envt. Sc., Mysore University spent some time in the participating labs during this period.
While two foreign students ( one from Bangladesh and one from Iraq) completed their studies with our teachers, currently two more ( one from Kenya and another from Nepal) are enrolled for their Ph.D work on topics related to the DRS programme.
A number of students who completed Ph.D. with our group during the period 96-98 are either in a teaching or research instituion in India or abroad.Mention can be made of Lallan Gupta(1996) presently with the Japan Geological Survey since 1996; D.P.Saxena (1998) with the University of Antwerp, Belgium; D.Datta (1996) with the Dept of Envt.Sc, Khulna University, Bangladesh ;C.Mahanta(1995) with the Dept of Envt.Sc,IIT, Gauhati; Suman Dhar with NIH,USA (1998)
One of our project staff-Dr.Annadurai (ENVIS in Biogeochemistry) - have been appointed as Scientist-C in the Sustainable Development Network Project of UNDP in the Minstry of Envt and Forests,GOI. from March,99.
Some of the students participated in national and international seminars outside JNU during this period: mention can be made of Seema Choiudhary who presented a paper in the in the National Environment" seminar in Coimbatore in 1997; Sujit Bajpayee, Anuradha verma , Charles Matowri and Manju Rawat in the international hydrogeochremistry seminar in Chidambaram in 1998 ; D.P.Saxena in the Environment workshop conducted by the Delhi Govt. dept of Envt in 1998; Manju Rawat presented a poster in the Indian Science Congress, Hyderabad in 1998;.
Another student, Shiv Kumar now doing Ph.D jointly with V.Subramanian and Prof.Lalji Singh,Director,CCMB, has been selected for a short term DAAD fellowship to work with Prof.Pabo,Max Plank Institute, Leisberg, Germany for six months on ancient DNA.
One of our students Ms.Anuradha Verma is the co-author (along with V.Subramanian) for a patent application pending with the Government of India.
Section-6: Books Procured From DRS programme in SES
The Biological & Environmental Chemistry of Chromium, (1993) by Katz
Gene transfer & Environment(1993).By Gautheir
Biodiversity & Ecosystem Function(1994).By E.D. Schulze
Atmospheric & Nitrogen oxides(1993), by Hidyc
Created & natural Waste lands for controlling non-point source pollution(1994), by U.S. Environment. Agency
Nitrogen in Terrestrial Ecosystems (Ecological studies 81)(1993), by Tamm
Stable isotopes & Plant carbon water Relation (1994), by Sams
Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry(1994).By Harbrone
Reservoir Limnology (1993), by Thronton
Landscape Boundaries(1994), by Hasen
Environmental Sampling & Analysis for Technicians(1994), by Csuros
Analytical Chemistry for technicians(1993), by Kennel
Landscape Restoration Handbook(1994), by Hanner
Water Quality Monitoring(1994), by Lung
Geochemistry for Marine Humic Compounds (1995), by Rasid
Wetlands of India(1994), by Chatrath
A Dictionary of Environment (1995), by Sharma
Ecological studies : Biogeochemistry of Subalphine Ecosystem(1993), by Arthur
Slope Stope stabilization & Ecosystem(1993), by Morgan
Analysis of Biogeochemical cycling processes in Walker Branch Watershed(1994), by Johnson
Recent Trends in Limnology(1995), by Agarwal
Global water Resoures(1995), by G.J. Young
Transport and Transformation at contaminants near the Sediment-water interface(1993), by J.V. Depinto
Chemical Characterstics of Natural Water(1994), by J.D. Hem
Changing Atmosphere(1995), by F.S. Rowland
Environmental Impact Assesment for developing Countries(1994), by. A.K. Biswas
Chemical quality of water and Hydrolic Cycles(1993), by. R.C. Averrete
Tropical Ecosystem(1993), by M. Balakrishnan
Progress in Hydrogeochemistry: Organic carbonate syst-silicate sys-Micro biology(1994), by Matthess, G. et. al.
Comparative Reservoir Liminology and Water quality management(1995), by Straskraba, M. et. al.
Environmental Chemistry in Soils(1994), by McBride, M.B.
Quaternary Ecology(1993), by Delcourt.
Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment(1994), by Landner
Introduction to Genetically Modified Organisms into the environment(1994). Scope. 44. (Willy), by Monney.
Industrial Ecology & Global Change. (Cambridge)(1994), by Socolow.
Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem(1995), by Gene E. Linker and F. Herbert Bormann
Biodiversity and the Law(1993), by William J. Snape III
Facets of Modern Biogeochemistry (1997)by, V. Ittekkot, S. Kempe, W. Michaelis and A. Spitzy (Eds.)
Groundwater Management(1996) by, Randall J. Charbeneau.
Microbial Biotechnology Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology (1995)by, Alexander N. Glazer Hiroshi Nikaido.
Artificial Recharge of Ground Water, II (1993) by, A.I. Johson and R. David G. Pyne.
Plant Contamination Modeling and Simulation of Organic chemical Processes (1993)by, Stefan Trapp and J. Craig Mc Farlane.
Complex Ecology, The part-Whole Relation in Ecosystems (1993)by, Bernard C. Patten and Sven E. Jorgensen.
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Management (1996)volume 1 &2 by, G.R. Chhatwal.
Environment Administration Law and Judicial Attitude(1996) volume 1, 2 & 3 by, Paras Diwan and Peeyushi Diwan.
Encyclopaedia of Environmental Pollution(1995) volume 1-5 by, S.K. Shukla and P.R. Srivastava.
Principles of Environmental Toxicology (1993)by, Ian C. Shaw and John Chadwick.
Modern Methods in Environmental Pollution Analysis (1993)volume 1 &2 by, Harish Kumar.
The Way the World Works Environmental Science(1994) by, Bernard J. Nebel and Richard T. Wright.
Environmental chemistry of Soils (1996)by, Murray B. McBride.
Geoenvironment An Introduction (1995)by, U. Aswathanarayana.
Environmental Concerns Depleting Resources and Sustainable Development by, V. S. Katiyar.
Activities Implemented Jointly to Mitigate Climate Change by Kalipada Chatterjee.
Microbes Minerals and Environment by, K.A. Natarajan.
Watershed, River and Lake Modelling through Environmental Radioactivity by, Bhagwan S. Shukla.
Mineral Resources of Karnataka by, B.P. Radhakrishna.
Section-7: Equipment procured during the DRS-programme
(Original Sanctions)
1.Mobile Laboratory
2.Scintillation Counter
3.Refrigerated Scnitrifuge
4.Carbon Analyser
5.Digital Workstation
(Additional Sanctions)
1.Upgradatipon of Carbon analyser to Carbon-sulphur Analyser
3.Ion Selective Electodes and standrad
4.Elisa reader
5.Upgradation of Workstation
Section-8: Participant Faculty members and their Achivement:
1.Prof. V. Subramanian (Co-ordinator)
2.Prof. K. Datta
3.Prof.P.S. Ramakrishnan
4.Prof. D.K. Banerjee
5.Sudha Bhattacharya
6.Dr. Brij Gopal
Application of DNA Techniques to study of Ancient fossils (Jointly with Dr. Sudha Bhattacharya) - funded by Ministry of Environment & Forests, since February 1997.
Biogeochemistry of Western Ghats Region - Funded by Volkswagen Foundation (Germany) in collaboration with Hamburg University (since September, 1996).
Water quality and soil erosion in the Peninsular Region - funded by Department of Science and Technology, since November 1995.
Fluoride Toxicity in ground water of Rajasthan - Funded by Technology Mission, Ministry of Rural Development, since September 1994.
ENVIS programme in Biogeochemistry - Ministry of Environment & Forests, since Auguest, 1994.
Nature of organic matter in the Godavari river basin-Funded by Dept of Ocean Developmen starttd May,1998
Sediments as Sink for Heavy Metals - A case study from Yamuna River Sediments - Funded by Ministry of Environment & Forests, ended on February 1997.
Dharm Prakash Saxena(1998): Paleoenvironmental Studies of the Yamuna River Basin using Pollen and other Biogeochemical Techniques.
Dilip Kumar Datta (1996): Particle Bound Nutrients and Heavy Metals in the Bengal Basin
Lallan Prasad Gupta (1996): Nature of Organic Matter in the Sediments of the Godavari River Basin
Jose, P.G. (1996): Nature of Distribution and Fractionation of Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the sediments of the Ganga Estuary.
Chandan Mahanta (1995): Distribution of Nutrients and Toxic metals in the sediments of the Brahmaputra River Basin
A.L. Ramanathan (1993): Geochemistry of Cauvery River Basin
Debasish Panda (1992): Texture, Mineralogy and Chemical Composition of Chilka Lake Sediments
G. Mohanchandran (1992): Distribution, fractionation and deposition of Heavy metals in the sediments of three major peninsular estuaries (Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery) and associated coastal region
Anuradha Verma (1999): Methane Emission and other Biogeochemical Parameters in Vembanad Lake, Kerala.
Abhay Kumar (1999): Metal Concentration by bacteria from the mines and smelters in Khetri and Zawar regions.
Sujit Kumar Bajpayee (1998): Chemistry of Water and Sediemnts in the Western Ghat Rivers of Kerala
Seema Choudhury (1996): Sediments as Sink for Certain Pollutants : Case Studies from the Yamuna River Basin.
Shiva Kumar,S (1995): Use of DNA - Probe in the Study of Present and Ancient Biological Specimens.( Jointly with Sudha Bhattacharya)
Abdullah (1995): Distribution and Fractionation of P, N & C in the Sediment Cores from Yamuna River Basin.
Jati Sankar Bandyopadhyay (1995): Nature of Heavy Mineral Distribution in the Hoogly Estuary Sediments.
1999 Toulouse,France(May-June,99) Collobarotive project work on rivers 1999 Hamburg, Germany(April) VW Project co-ordination 1999 Tokyo, Japan(March) World delta-International workshop-invited presentation 1998 Hamburg, Germany(Aug.) Project committee meeting 1997 Paris, France(Dec.) Invited talk-Institute of Physics of the globe 1997 Amsterdam(Oct.) LOICZ science meeting 1997 Vainnia, Austria(April) BAHC- IGBP meeting 1997 Hamburg, Germany(May) Volkswagen Foundation project meeting 1996 Hamburg, Germany (Dec.) Volkswagen Foundation Project 1996 Hamburg, Germany (Aug.) Soil Conservation (ISCO) 1996 Exeter, UK (July) Sediment Erosion (IAHS) 1996 Kathmandu, Nepal (April) BAHC - IGBP Meeting 1996 Amsterdam, Holland (Jan.-Feb.) Landuse Cover Change 1995 Bangkok, Thailand (Nov.) IHP - Coastal Process 1995 Manila, Philiphines (April) IGBP - LOICZ Workshop 1995 Paris, France (May) Biogeochemistry of Trace metals - Workshop 1994 London, U.K. (Nov.) Sustainable Development
During this period, several invited and inaugural lectures were given in the National and International level at different place at different times.
National Co-ordinator of "Biospheric Aspects of Hydrological Cycle" (BAHC) of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP).
Member, working group,Indo-Gangetic plains programme of IGBP
Co-ordinator ENVIS (from August 1994 onwards) in Biogeochemistry, funded by Ministry of Environment & Forests.
Member, International advisory committee, Large rivers: Manaus, Brasil,1999
Ramanathan,AL; Ramesh,R; James,A; Subramanian,V; Chidambaram. S (1999) Environmental geochemistry of the Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem (tropical), southeast coast of India. Environmental Geology, 37 (3), pp223-233.
Datta,DK; Gupta,LP; Subramanian,V (1999): Distribution of C,N and P in the sediments of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Megna system in the Bengal Basin. Organic geochemistry .30: pp75-82
Shivkumar,S; Subramanian,V; Walimbe,SR; Lalji Singh (1999):Current trends in Ancient DNA studies- A review. Current Science. 76 (7) pp879-885
Verma,A; Subramanian,V; Ramesh,R(1999): Methane emission from a Tropical Urban Wetlands. Current Science. 76(7) pp 1020-1022
Subramanian,V(1999): Biogeochemical cycles-key note address National seminar on environmental Geology-Punjab Univ., Feb,1999. (abstract only).
Subramanian, V(1999): Continental Phosphorus Transfer to Oceans - South Asian Scenario. SEPM special publication.64 (in press).
Ramesh,R; Ramanathan,AL; James,A; Subramanian,V (1999): Rare Earth elements and Heavy Metal Distribution in the Esturine sediments of the East coast of India. Hydrobiologia. pp
Datta,DK; Subramanian, V (1998): Distribution and fractionation of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system in the Bengal basin Environmental Geology, 36(1/2) 93-101.
Gupta, LP; Subramanian, V (1998): Geochemical factors controlling the chemical nature of water and sediments in the Gomti River, India Environmental Geology, 36(1/2)102-108.
Subramanian,V; Ittekkot,V (1998): Editors: Environmental Biogeochemistry, Internaional Workshop volume held at School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 446 pages.A joint publication of JNU-Hamburg Univ.
Dekov, DM; Araujo, F; Subramanian,V; Van Grieken, R(1998): Chemical composition of sediments and suspended matter from the Cauvery and Brahmapurta river (India). Science of Total Environment. 212, 89-105.
Ramanathan,AL; Subramanian, V; Ramesh,R; James,A (1998): Environmental geochemistry of the Pitchavaram Mangroves Ecosystem. Environmental Geology. v. , page
Ramanathan, AL; Subramanian, V(1998): Texture and Minerology of suspended sediments in Cauvery River. Journal of Geological Sociaty of India. 52, 111-114.
Subramanian,V(1998): What does our rivers carry?-inaugural key note address at the International Workshop on Hydrogeochemistry, Chidambaram, TN (Nov,1998) ( only abstract)
Gupta, LP; Subramanian, V; Ittekot,V (1997): Nature of organic matter in the sediments of the Godavari River Basin. Biogeochemistry, 38(2): 103-128.
Datta,D; Subramanian,V (1997): Texture and Mineralogy of the sediments from the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh and their environmental implications. Environmental Geology. 30(3-4), 181-188
Datta,D; Subramanian,V (1997): Nature of solute load in the rivers of Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Journal of Hydrology. 198, 196-208.
Ranganathan, S., Ganguly, A.K and Datta, K. Evidence for presence of hyaluronan binding protein on spermatozoa and its possible involvement in sperm function. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 38, 69-76, 1994.
Rakesh Kumar Tyagi & Kasturi Datta. A rapid, High-yield purification of L-alanine: 4,5- dioxovalerate transaminase from rat kidney mitochondria using an improved enzyme assay method. Protein Expression and Purification 5, 527-533, 1994.
Rakesh Kumar Tyagi, Richa Sagar and Kasturi Datta. A sensitive method for detection of protein in polyacrylamide gels and on protein blots using acidic henna leaf extract. Biotechnology Techniques 8, 583-588, 1994.
Ranganathan, S. and Datta, K. Presence of hyaluronan binding protein in cardiac myoblasts and its altered level during myogenesis Cell Biology Internation 19, 161-165,1995.
Deb, Tushar and Datta, K. Molecular cloning of human fibroblast hyaluronic acid binding protein confirms its identify with P-32, A protein copurified with splicing factor SF2. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 2206-2212.
Ranganathan, S., Bharadwaj, A. and Datta, K. Hyaluronan mediates sperm motility by enhancing phosphorylation of proteins including hyaluronan binding protein. Cellular and Molecular Biology Research. 41(5), 467-476
Ch. Mastan Rao, Arshad Jilani, Snehasikta Swarnakar, Tushar Baran Deb and Kasturi Datta (1996) A method to radio-iodinate hyaluronic acid and its use as a probe to detect hyaluronic acid binding proteins. Anal. Biochem. 236, 171-173.
Ch. Mastan Rao, Tushar Baran Deb and Kasturi Datta (1996) Hyaluronic acid induced hyaluronic acid binding protein phosphorylation and inositol triphosphate formation in lymphocytes. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 40, 327-337, 1996
Satarupa Das, Tushar Baran Deb, Rajeev Kumar and Kasturi Datta (1997) Multifunctional activities of human fibroblast 34-kDa hyaluronic acid-binding protein. Gene 190, 223-225, 1997
Ch. Mastan Rao, Tushar Baran Deb, Sanjay Gupta and Kasturi Datta (1997) Regulation of cellular phosphorylation of hyaluronan binding protein and its role in the formation of second messenger. Biochimica et Biphysica Acta 1336, 387-393 (1997).
Mithu Majumdar and Kasturi Datta (1998) Assignment of cDNA encoding hyaluronic acid binding protein 1 to human chromosome 17 p12-13. Genomics. 51, 476-477.
Ch. Mastan Rao, Poonam Salotra and Kasturi Datta (1999) Possible role of the 34 kDa hyaluronic acid binding protein in visceral leishmaniasis. J. Parasitology (In press).
(a)Regulation of gene expression of hyaluronan binding protein in transformed fibroblasts and its role in tumoriigenesis - funded by DST since October, 1995.
(b) HA binding Protein as a diagonestic Probe for male infertility - funded by DBT since December, 1996.
(c) Differential Expression of Hyaluronan binding Protein in Maligent tissues : its probable use as a Tumor marker - funded by AITEC since April, 1996.
2.Tusar Baran Dev (1996) - Molecular cloning of Hyaluronic Acid Binding Protein and its role in Cellular signalling.
3.Sripriya Ranganathan (1996) - Role of Hyaluronic Acid-Binding Protein in Sperm Maturation, Motility and fertilization: Possible Modulation by Environmetal contamination.
Elected Fellow : National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, 1992 Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 1993 Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1996. Member,International Union of Biochemistry and molecular Bilogy.USA.s Invited speacker : In Gordon Research Conference on Protoglycan, 1996 at New Hampshire, U.S.A. Invited Member: UGC Review Committee UGC Biosceince Committee CSIR Animal Science Committe
Networking with scientists in collaborative/coordinated research projects related to (a) Himalayan mountain ecosystem, (b) Tropical soil biology and fertility in the Indian sub continent and (c) Ecology and sustainable development involving people's participation. (1992- )
TSBF Coordinator (Advisory) Indian Regional Programme Networking being done jointly with the G.B. Pant Institute for Himalayan Environment and Development(1992 - )
Convenor and Coordinator for Indian National Science Academy, on a coordinated programme on 'Population and Landuse', being jointly developed with the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (first joint meeting held in Washington DC. Dec. 1994).
Academic coordinator for the MacArthur Foundation funded project on 'Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem rehabilitation', involving the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Karnataka Forest Dept. and G.B. Pant Inst. for Himalayan Environment & Development, with administrative coordination through UNESCO, New Delhi (1995 - 1998).
Ecological Advisor and Member, Steering Committee, Nagaland Govt. project on ' Nagaland Environment Protection and Economic Development', supported by India-Canada Environment Facility, New Delhi (1995 - 2000).
Indian Coordinator of the Inter-Academy project 'Population and Landuse: Six International Case Studies', involving Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences & U.S. National Academy of Sciences, funded by the McArthur Foundation (1995 -1997).
Study on the Role of Sacred Groves in Conservation and management of Biological Resources in India. Netherlands/UNESCO sponsored project administered by UNESCO.(1996- ). V: F7
Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences (FTWAS), Trieste Italy. Elected in 1995.
Member, Scientific Committee, IUBS sponsored International Forum on "Biodiversity: Science and Development - Towardss a New Partnership, co-sponsored by UNESCO and ICSU; Moderator for the session on "Ecological Function of Biodiversity.
Member, Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE), IGBP-Global Change (1994-96)
Advisory Lead Expert to the Project on "Building Operational Strategies of sustainable Development upon People's Initiatives". Asia and Pacific Development Centre (APDC), Kula Lumpur, Malaysia (1992-93): with the mandate to prepare / organize:- terms of reference to Country and Issue Papers by experts
a paper on environment and sustainable development organize evaluation and synthesize evaluation and synthesis workshops in Thailand, Malaysia and Phillippines. synthesis Volume.
Member, Planning Committee, SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Protection of Environment), Paris for the international programme ‘Sustainable Biosphere Project' (SBP) (1992 - 95)
Chairman, Indian National Committee of IUBS, Indian National Science Academy (1994 -1997)
Member with Voting Rights, International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), Paris (1994 - 1997)
Recepient of the Seth Memorial Medal of the Indian Society of Tree Scientists, 1993 - 1994
Member, Steering Committee, Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) programme of International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP), ICSU, Paris (1994-1996).
Indian Coordinator for the Inter-Academy research programme 'Population and Land Use: Six Internationl Case Studies', involving Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences and U.S. National Academy of Sciences (1995 - 97).
Member, Biodiversity Commission, WWF, India (1996- ).
Elected Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Italy (1995)
Chairman, Indian National Committee of IUBS, Indian National Science Academy (1994 -1997)
Member, Steering Committee, Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) programme of International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP), ICSU, Paris (1994-1996).
Indian Coordinator for the Inter-Academy research programme 'Population and Land Use: Six Internationl Case Studies', involving Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences and U.S. National Academy of Sciences (1995 - 97).
Member, Steering Committee and Advisor, Ecology & Sustainable Development for the Nagaland Government Project on 'Nagaland Environment Protectiion and Economic Development Through Peoples' Action' (1995 - 2000).
Member, State level Biodiversity Committee, Himachal Pradesh State Concil for Science & Technology (1996- ).
Member, Monitoring Committee, Tehri Dam Project, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt.of India (1996- ).
Member, Biodiversity Commission, WWF, India (1996- ).
Elected Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Italy (1995)
a. Conservation and Management of Biological Resources in Himalaya, 1996. (arising out of a UNESCO/World Heritage Centre sponsored Vol.).
b. Managing Biodiversity for Sustainable Development. 1996. (FASAS/INSA/Diversitas sponsored INSA Publication).
Chairman, Indian National Committee, IUBS (with Indian National Science Academy (1994-1997).
Chairman, Interim Steering Committee, DIVERSITAS programme of IUBS/UNESCO/SCOPE, Paris, 1995; A member of the reconstituted steering committee (1996- ).
Invited to participate in TSBF sponsored 'Soil biodiversity and ecosystem function in tropical agricultural systems: A planning and training workshop, ICRISAT, Hyderabad.15-22 Jan. 1995.
Invited to participate in the Regional Thematic Study Meet ing on the 'Asian Rice Culture and its Terraced Landscapes', UNESCO National Commission, Phillippines, Manila, March 28 - April 4. 1995.
One-man high level Committee on ecological impact analysis on Rathong Chu Hydro-electric project, Govt. of Sikkim, 1995.
Invited as A Resource Expert (Pannellist) on 'Shifting Cultivation ' for the first Regional Hearing of the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development, Jakarta, Indonesia, March, 2-8, 1996.
Invited participant to the National seminar on 'Tribal Development: Options, GB Pant Inst. for Himalayan Environ. & Develop., Kosi, Almora, May 22-24, 1996.
Invited participant to the Workshop on 'Indigenous Strategies for Intensification of Shifting Cultivation in Southeast Asia', ICRAF & Cornell Univ., Bogor, Indonesia, Feb. 24-28, 1997.
Steering Committee Member and invited speaker on the LUCC/GCTE - IGBP-START Workshop on 'Dynamics of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal, March, 1997.
Managing tropical forests: An ecologist's view point. In:Forestry Research and Education in India. P.D. Dogra and R.C.Dhiman (Eds.). Diamond Jubilee Publ., pp. 47-59. Indian National Sci. Acad., New Delhi. 1994.
Currencies for measuring sustainability: Case studies from Asian highlands. In: Defining and Measuring Sustainability: The Biogeophysical Foundations. M. Munasinghe and W. Shearer (Eds.) pp. 193-205. U.N. University, Tokyo and World Bank, Washington DC. 1995.
Ecological evaluation of land use systems for development planning in the Himalayas. In: Society and Culture in the Himalayas. K. Warikhoo (Ed.). pp. 17-43. Har-Anand Publ., New Delhi. 1995.
Role of earthworms in nitrogen cycling during the cropping phase of shifting agriculture (jhum) in north-eas India. Biol. Fert. Soils, 22: 350-354. 1996 (with T. Bhadauria)
Mitigation: Cross-sectoral and other issus. In: R.T. Watson, M.C. Zinyowera and R.C. Moss (Eds.) Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. IPCC Working Group II Report, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996 (with R. Leemans, S. Agrawala, J.A. Edmunds, M.C. MacCracken and R. Moss)
Biodiversity research agenda for Asia-Pacific region. In: Biodiversity and the Dynamics of Ecosystems. I.M. Turner, C.H. Dion, S.S.L. Kim, and P.K.L.Ng. (Eds.). DIWPA Series Volume 1. 1997(in press).
Soil biodiversity: An essential foundation for sustainable soil fertility ? 2nd International Crop Science Congress, Spl.Vol., 1997. (with M.J. Swift and P. Mafongoya).
Sustainable development, climate change and tropical rain forest landscape. Climate Change (Spl. Edition). 1997.
Human dimension to global change: The Indian context. Science & Culture. Spl. Vol. on 'Global Change'. 1997.
Chemical speciation of heavy metals and their bio availability have been undertaken to access the complexation capacity of some environmental and toxic metals in the aquatic systems with naturally occurring organic legends like humic and fulvic acids thereby ascertaining the pollution potential. Another aspects that has been studied in my lab is the metals profiling of our soil, beginning with soils in Delhi region. No such locational profile is available as of now and it would be environmentally important information from the ecotoxicological point of view. Speciation of metals in the soil environment is being investigated through sequential extraction studies and new sequential extraction schemes have been tried out in order to quantify and standardise them. Based on speciation information, it is proposed to initiate chemical modeling of aquatic systems.
Participated in Conferences, lectured in Academic staff college courses pertaining to DRS related topics like Atmospheric and precipitation chemistry, water pollution and water treatment, Acid rain due to thermal power plants etc.
Complexation of Cu (II), Cd (II) with humic and fulvic acids of Yamuna river sediments ( with S. Sahu), in the book Chemistry for Protection of the Environment", ed. Pawloski et al , Plenum Press, New York, 1996, 375-387.
Alteration in Heavy Metals toxicity to Spirulina Platensis by pH and EDTA ( with P.A. Azeez) Proceeding of the 3rd Congress in Toxicology in Developing countries, Cairo, 1996, 339 - 350.
Impact of fly ash from coal fixed power stations in Delhi with particular reference to metal contamination ( with A. Mehra and M.E. Farago) - accepted for publication in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment", 1997.
An investigation of waste water discharges into river Yamuna in the Mathura- Agra region with particular references to Metal contamination of the river bank and flood plain soils ( A. Mehra and M.E. Farago) at 14th European conference of society for Environmental Geochemistry and health, April 1996, London.
Impact of fly ash from Coal fired power stations in Delhi region with particular reference to metal contamination ( with A. Mehra and M. E. Farago) at 13th European Conference on Energy and Environment, April 1995, Aberdeen.
(i) Studies on Physico chemical characterization of humic acids and metal humic acid complexation" (R. K. Ghosh awarded Ph. D degree in March 1996)
(ii) Profiles and Speciation of some heavy metals in Delhi soils" ( Aditi Haldar, Ph. D Awarded in 1998)
Collaborated with Imperial College, London on Metal Profile studies through a UGC- British Council; Academic Link Programme", 1993-96.
Collaborated with Derby University, Derby U.K.,- a doctoral student from derby University is working under my co- supervision on his thesis Leaching and availability of heavy metals from Coal fired power station fly ash", 1996 onwards.
This laboratory is working with the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica which is highly prevalent in the Indian environment and contaminates our food and drinking water. It is the causative agent of amoebiasis in humans. The basic molecular biology of the parasite is being studied with the long-term goal to develop specific chemotherapy. DNA probes are also being used to understand the epidemiology of the disease.
1. C. Radha , M. Phil. (1996)
2. S. Shiva Kumar, M. Phil. (1997)
3. Suman K. Dhar, Ph. D. (1998)
Discussion Meeting on Cell-surface phenomena and nucleic acid-ligand interactions (3. 6.97) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Title of talk: Ribosomal DNA plasmid of E. histolytica: Structure and mode of replication.
Diversity in Modern Biology- An Interdisciplinary Symposium (21. 9. 97 to 22. 9. 97) at University of Delhi, South Campus. Title of talk: Ribosomal RNA Sequences outside the Ribosome?
Indian Biology in the year 2000 (November 24-27,1997) at Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. Title of talk : Replication initiation hot spots in the Ribosomal DNA Plasmid of E. histolytica.
Molecular Parasitology (March 2, 1998) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Title of talk: Replication of Ribosomal plasmid EhR1 in the protozoan parasite Entamoeba.
1.Title: Replication and copy number control of the ribosomal DNA plasmid of Entamoeba histolytica. Duration: 3 years (01.01.96 - 31.12.98) Funding Agency: Department of Science & Technology Total cost: Rs. 19,04,400 Role: P.I.
2.Title: Characterization of transcripts originating from the ribosomal DNA plasmid of Entamoeba histolytica Duration: 3 years (27.3.96 - 26.3.99) Funding Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Total cost: Rs. 6 lakhs plus salary Role: P. I.
3. Title: Replication of ribosomal DNA plasmid----E. histolytica Duration: 3 years (1.8.96 - 31.7.99) Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health, USA through the Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award Total cost: US $ 20,000 per year Role: Foreign Collaborator
4. Title: Screening of traditional herbal drugs ----- treatment of amoebiasis Duration: 3 years (12.12.97 - 11.12.2000) Funding Agency: Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine Total cost: Rs. 6,93,800. Role: Co-Investigator
V. Mittal, A. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya (1994) Isolation and characterization of a species-specific multicopy DNA sequence from Entamoeba histolytica. Parasitology, 108, 237-244.
D.Sehgal, V. Mittal, S. Ramachandran, S.K.Dhar, A. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya (1994) Nucleotide sequence organisation and analysis of the nuclear ribosomal DNA circle of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 67, 205-214.
S. K. Dhar, N. Roy Choudhary, A. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya (1995) A multitude of circular DNAs exist in the nucleus of Entamoeba histolytica. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 70, 203-206.
G. Srivastava, M. Tola Anand, S. Bhattacharya and A. Bhattacharya (1995) Lipophosphoglycan is present in distinctly different form in different Entamoeba histolytica strains and absent in Entamoeba moshkovskii and Entamoeba invadens. J. Euk. Microbiol. 42, 617-622.
S. K. Dhar, N. Roy Choudhary, V. Mittal, A. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya (1996) Replication initiates at multiple random sites in the ribosomal DNA plasmid of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Mol. Cell Biol. 16, 2314-2324.
A. Azam, J. Paul, D. Sehgal, J. Prasad, S. Bhattacharya and A. Bhattacharya (1996) Identification of novel genes from Entamoeba histolytica by expressed sequence tag analysis. Gene 181, 113-116.
D. Sehgal, A. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya (1996) Pathogenesis of infection by Entamoeba histolytica. J. Biosc. 21, 423-432.
S. Tiwari, S. Ramachandran, A. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya and R. Ramaswamy (1997) Prediction of probable genes by fourier analysis of genomic sequences. CABIOS 13, 263-270.
B. Gopal, C.P.Swaminathan, S. Bhattacharya, A. Bhattacharya, M.R.Murthy and A. Surolia (1997) Thermodynamics of metal ion binding and denaturation of a calcium binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica. Biochemistry 36, 10910-10916.
N. Yadava, M.R. Chandok, J. Prasad, S. Bhattacharya, S.K. Sopory and A. Bhattacharya (1997) Characterization of EhCaBP, a calcium binding protein of E. histolytica, and its binding proteins. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 84, 69-82.
A. Olvera, F. Olvera, R.R. Vines, F. Recillas-Targa, P.M.Lizardi, S. Dhar, S. Bhattacharya, W.Petri and A. Alagon (1997) Stable transfection of E. histolytica trophozoites by lipofection. Arch. Med. Res. 28, 49-51.
S. Bhattacharya, I. Som and A. Bhattacharya (1998) The Ribosomal DNA Plasmids of Entamoeba. Parasitology Today 14, 181-185.
S. K. Dhar, R. R. Vines. S. Bhattacharya and W. A. Petri (1998) Ribosomal DNA fragments enhance the stability of transfected DNA in Entamoeba histolytica. J. Euk. Microbiol. 45, 656-660.
He is continuing his work on Biogeochemistry of Wetland System. In recent years, he has guided two Ph.D. students:
1.Somnath bandyopadhyay (1994): An Ecological study of the Macroinvertebrate Community in a Flood plain Wetland
2.Kuhu Chatterjee (1994): Inventory and classification of wetlands in India.
3.Malvika Shah (1993): Conservation and management of Rivers in India: Case-study of the River Yamuna.
1.Wetland Conference (1992), United States of America.
2.Limnological Conference (1992), Spain.
3.Wetland Conference (1995), and Invited talk on Max Plank Institute, Germany.
4.International Limnological Conference (1995), and invited talk at Amazon Institute, Brazil.
5.Wetland Conference (1996), Australia.
6.Wetland Conference (1996), Kuala Lumpur, Malasia.
7.International Geosphere and Biosphere Programme - Wetland Conference, United States of America.
Gopal, B. 1994. Role of ecotones in conservation and management of tropical inland waters. Mitteilungen der internationale verinigung für theoetische und angewandte Limnologie 24: 17-25.
Gopal, B. 1994. Conservation of inland waters in India: an overview.Verhandlungen der internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 25: 2494-2497.
Gopal, B. 1994. Keoladeo Ghana bird sanctuary: A wetland managed for wildlife (Bharatpur, India). p. 257-466, In:Pattern, B.C. et. al. (Editors) Wetlands and Shallow Continental Waters Bodies. Vol. 2. Case Studies. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague.
Gopal, B. 1994. Utilization of wetlands for optimum productivity. P. 866-871, In Singh, P., Pathak, P.S. and Roy, M.M. (Eds) Agroforestry Systems for Degraded Lands. Oxford and IBH Publ. Co., New Delhi.
Gopal, B and Sha, Malavika. 1995. Inventory and classification of wetlands in India. Vegetatio 118: 39-48.
Gopal, B. 1995. Introduction of Wetlands. Pp. 3-55, In Gopal, B (Compiler). Handbook, of Wetland Mangement. Worldwide Fund for Nature- India, New Delhi.
Gopal, B. 1995. Identifying major problems and determining management objectives and priorities. Pp. 91-94, In: Gopal, B. (Compiler). Handbook of Wetland Management. Worldwide Fund for Nature- India, New Delhi.
Gopal, B. 1995. Wetland management: General principles and methods. pp. 107-110. In: Gopal, B. (Compiler). Handbook of Wetland Management. World wide Fund for Nature- India, New Delhi.
Saxena, P.K. and Gopal, B. 1995. Pollution and its control. pp. 205-214. In: Gopal, B. (Compiler). Handbook of Wetland Management. Worldwide Fund for Nature- India, New Delhi.
Gopal, B. 1995. Management of aquatic weeds. pp. 215-225. In: Gopal, B. (Compiler). Handbook of Wetland Management. Worldwide Fund for Nature- India, New Delhi.
Gopal, B. 1995. Thorn forests of India. Contributed for the Spanaish Encyclopedia BIOSPHERE : (volume on Savannas). Enciclopedia Catalana, Barcelona.
Gopal, B. 1996. Whither India ecology? Tropical Ecology 37: 105-113.
Gopal, B. 1996. Overview of lakes and wetlands in India. P. 1-17. In: Ando, M. (ed) Conservation and management of Lakes/Reserviors in India. International Lake Environment Committee Foundation, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan.
Gopal, B. 1996. Limnology in India. P.35-43. In : Ando, M. (ed) Conservation and management of Lakes/Reserviors in India. International Lake Environment Committee Foundation, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan.
1.Editor, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (1974)
2.Associate Editor, Journal of Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, USA (1994)
3.Associate Editor, Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health (1994- )
4.Member, Editorial Board of
a)Hydrologia (Kluwer Academic Publ., Netherlands) (1988- ) (Only Asian until 1994)
b)Vegetatio (Kluwer Academic Publ., Netherlands) (1989-96 )
c)Wetlands Ecology and Management (SPB Academic, Netherlands) (1990- )
d)Regulated Rivers : Research & Management (John Wiley, U.K.) (1991- )
e)Ecological Research (Blackwells, U.K.) -since 1992 (Journal Japanese Ecological Society)
f)Mahasagar (Indian Assoc. Limnology & Oceanography, and National Institute of Oceanography, Goa) (1991- )
g)Pollution Research (India) (1983-95)
h)Journal of Environment and Pollution (Jaipur) (1994-96)
i)Japanese Journal of Limnology (Japan) (1997- )
5.Editor, Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology
6.Reviewer of Research Papers for many International Journals published from Europe, Australia, USA, Asia.